Join Arkansas Renters United!



Join Arkansas Renters United Today!

  • Are you dissatisfied with your living conditions?
  • Do you want to improve housing through fair laws?
  • Do you believe everyone should have the right to decent housing?

 Arkansas is the only state in the country without a law requiring landlords to meet basic health and safety standards. Over one-third of Arkansans rent. Are you one? 

 Are you trapped in a home contaminated by mold? Stuck in a place with a leaky roof? Do you not have working locks and windows? Does your home have unsafe common areas? Infested with pests? Join us to help Arkansans win healthy and safe housing! 

Like us on Facebook to follow our work! 

Join our Facebook Group to connect with renters across the state of Arkansas! 

Arkansas Renters United is affiliated with Arkansas Community Organizations. We are an organization made up of renters for renters. Dues are a recommended $10/month or whatever you can pay. 


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